Be sure to remember not to operate in Man Cang. Take a position of 70% at most. If you have food in your hand, don't panic. Don't put your desire to the limit at any time and don't let it swell.Investing in stocks is easy. The key is whether you are in a good mood. Just step by step every day. Don't panic. Rich people hold a money field and add positions. If you have no money, hold a stock market, and hold your shares.
Wolong weekend settlement [2024-12 ~ # 242-next week's trend judgment and individual stock analysis]How to write the word' Jing'? On the left is a' green' and on the other is a' struggle'. In the stock market, the word xingyi means to dare to win opportunities in the green. Wolong's explanation is: buy big, buy big. Does it make sense?However, the market is always uncertain, and no one is absolutely sure where the market will be adjusted. Maybe the small cycle is right, but the big cycle is wrong. Or the small cycle is wrong, but the big cycle is right again. This market always happens repeatedly in the right and wrong judgments of different people, and then moves forward all the way.
Wolong weekend settlement [2024-12 ~ # 242-next week's trend judgment and individual stock analysis]Why not take short positions? Because it's easy to sell flying, why not Man Cang? Because I am afraid that the adjustment will be too large. Have you noticed that when you clear your stocks, they usually go up, and when you are in Man Cang, they usually go down. Why is this happening? Or because it is not calm enough, not mature enough, and the desire cannot be controlled.Being rational and calm is the most important thing, and don't be carried away by ups and downs. This stock market is always the same, that is, it does not produce additional wealth, but only the transfer and redistribution of wealth. Nothing else.